how would i go about getting my friends into mint?
mattgyver: as usual, you'd tell them to come join the mint channel
!mint | mattgyver
mattgyver: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org
EriC^^, thanks. i am already using linux mint and that is the reason i was curious.
EriC^^, ok so i guess this is a good place to ask. I have already installed ubuntu gnome and I am now wanting to install Kubuntu. I was going to just install the live cd, but i was wondering if there was any known issues?
mattgyver: no issues i guess, it's your own installation
mattgyver: make sure to disable fastboot though
EriC^^, how would i go about doing that?
mattgyver: there should be a bootloader options somewhere, it's up to you
if it's a uefi thing it should be easy
EriC^^, i am on a uefi laptop. This is an old EFI-1050-8.0-r2 which i am not sure how to setup
mattgyver: that's odd, maybe it's not uefi then
EriC^^, i am pretty sure it is, but i do not want to make that mistake again.
try disabling secureboot and see if it boots
EriC^^, ok, i am done on that end. brb
Can I uninstall ubuntu-desktop without having to do a full re-installation of ubuntu?
or does it make it hard to re-install or something?
yeah, it'll make it a
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